As a neighborhood leader, Raymond has committed to helping residents understand the procedures for calling non-emergency police and when making a call to 911. Raymond believes in crime prevention through environmental design. Empowering residents through putting the power in their hands to be vigilant and proactive in stopping crime is key.
Attending Milwaukee Police District (MPD) 3 crime and safety meetings is an important part of understanding the changing patterns of neighborhood crime to ensure safety among residents in district 10. Raymond has always advocated for neighborhood safety through teaching neighbors how to be proactive in crime prevention.
Maintaining a deep connection to MPD helps ensure the relationship between citizens and the police is one focused on protecting and serving the community.
Neighbors working together is essential to the success of our city. Raymond has worked hard with Martin Drive neighbors to be vigilant about watching out for and responding to crime. In turn, this has helped in keeping crime low in the neighborhood. This approach can be adapted for the needs in district 10 neighborhoods.